Rizu Callyn

  • Nickname(s): Callyn

  • Age: 27

  • Gender/Pronouns: Female, (she/her)

  • Race: Moonkeeper Miqo'te

  • Relationship: Married

  • Occupation: Fixer

  • Free Company: The Meowfia <NYA>

  • Server: Gilgamesh, Aether

  • Discord: Fatcatzrus


Rizu grew up in the Black Shroud where she spent her childhood hunting alongside her family, wielding a bow as her weapon of choice. She'd never been afraid to get her hands dirty, and quickly learned how to transform the humble ingredients they harvested into a celebratory feast with plenty to share. Her family always nurtured her natural talents in the kitchen, and when she was old enough to set off on her own, they encouraged her to travel to Limsa Lominsa where she became a student of the Culinarian's Guild.At the Culinarian's Guild, she met Remy. He reached Limsa as a stowaway from U'ldah, where a scheming merchant was selling tiny rats to tourists as pets, claiming they were a breed of "tiny squirrels." When his new owners found out, they were horrified and he ran away, hiding aboard a local merchant vessel. Rizu found him eating scraps behind the guild one day and started sharing the leftovers from her assignments, noting which ones he liked and which ones he turned up his nose at. Inspired by the rodent's rather refined palette, she brought him home with her, and they've been cooking side by side ever since.A committed hedonist with an appetite for the finer things in life, Callyn has since left her days as a hunter in the Black Shroud long behind her and now resides with her wife, Breezy Callyn, in Shirogane. If not for the fading scars adorning every inch of her skin, you'd never know she'd lived a life outside of the kitchen. As heir to the Meowfia, she's since grown accustomed to her life of luxury and now leaves the dirty work to others, although she's always willing to get her hands dirty, for a price.